Feasibility Studies
Honest, unbiased and independent advice based on experience. Unlike other firms, Magellan has no ties to vendors or manufacturers that lock you into their solution.

Trust and client service is the foundation of our reputation. We’ve earned it over the years working for so many municipalities, utilities and coops. Our feasibility studies are fact-based, using real-world scenarios, costs and results so you can make informed decisions on the best fiber and broadband options for your community and your customers.

Turnkey Broadband Services
Features + Solutions
Market Analysis
  • Surveys that clearly convey the voice of your community
  • Quantitative surveys with no bias or forgone conclusions
  • Providers, services and availability
  • Grant analysis for RDOF, Reconnect, EDA and HUD funding
Needs Assessments
  • Defined, documented broadband needs of your community
  • Focused on connecting your city, schools, hospitals and other anchors
  • Enable smart city and IoT applications
  • Aligned with your capital projects
  • Grid modernization and AMI assessments for utilities
Engineering Design
  • Fiber backbone, fiber to the home, wireless and 5G designs
  • Detailed, real-world design using our rapid design process
  • Accurate costs, directly from our active construction projects
  • Optimized design to reduce costs and speed deployment
  • Design intelligence, optimized for cost and speed of deployment
Financial Plans
  • Investment-ready plans, grounded in reality and conservatism
  • Detailed assumptions derived from current broadband networks
  • Dynamic models with sensitivity analysis and “What If” scenarios
  • Financials in a language that municipalities, utilities and co-ops can understand
  • Detailed workshops with our financial planners to present results
  • Grant analysis for RDOF, Reconnect, EDA and HUD funding
  • Steps needed to apply and secure funding
  • Direct engagement with your financial staff and financial workshops
  • Financial planning for bonds, COPs, bank loans
Business Model Analysis
  • Retail, wholesale, public-private partnership and fiber leasing
  • Business models in real-world scenarios
  • Pros and cons, benefits and risks, tailored to each
  • Our professional recommendation on the best fit for your organization

Connect with Us Now for a Free Preliminary Broadband Assessment for Your Community